Praise for The Tulip Workshop
See what past participants of The Tulip Workshop have to say. We’re proud to have taught hundreds of growers from across the country and overseas.
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Mimo Davis, Urban Buds, St. Louis, Missouri
“The workshop was A-mazing! I had the opportunity to do both the online and in-person workshops. At Urban Buds, we'd been dabbling in the art of forcing tulips for two years. After the completion of this workshop, we've cut our soil costs in half and have also fine-tuned our efficiencies. Linda and Emily are great instructors, going above and beyond to offer assistance when needed during the growing season. The Facebook community they support is an added bonus to the workshop content and is a way to connect with other growers across the country. Through this group, they've been available to help troubleshoot ideas and offer tips based on their best practices that really worked! Linda and Emily are continually improving how they share their content and engage with participants. This course was a great use of my time and a huge benefit to our farm!”
Lisa & Alyssa, Backroad Blooms Flower Farm, Oakdale, California
The Tulip workshop was one of the best ways we could invest in our business. Growing tulips in California can be so unpredictable and having control of the whole process, we were able to produce tulips that were blooming in January before our field crops were ready. This increased our sales and gave us revenue in months that we usually do not have any. The course materials were beautifully photographed and easy to use and understand. Linda and Emily were so kind and helpful with our questions and I can not say enough good things about them and this course.
Jenny Elliot, Tiny Hearts Farm, Copake, New York
Before attending Emily and Linda's tulip forcing workshop, I was planning to do a small forcing experiment based on my field growing experience and info gleaned from the web. Thank goodness I signed up for the workshop! I not only gained the confidence and skills I needed to jump into tulip forcing on a larger scale than originally planned, but also saved so much time and money with my new knowledge. I easily made back the cost of the workshop, just by avoiding mistakes I was about to make, and by not wasting pricey bulbs on my own experiments. The workshop opened my eyes to new prospects of winter growing and helped me see new sales possibilities within my already developed markets. The whole experience was lovely, friendly, and engaging, and I can't recommend this workshop highly enough! I was so ready for a little reinvigoration and you guys gave it to me...Thanks!
Rebecca Aning-Brown, Silver Grey Foliage, Leeds, UK
'When you’re out on a limb, and doing something that seems crazy to the rest of the world, what you need is someone to take your hand and say ‘I believe that you can do this.’ When you’re tired, learning and growing and learning some more, what you need is for someone to hold that same hand and guide you on your way, clearly and confidently. If you’re wondering whether The Tulip Workshop is for you and you’re even slightly curious to know how you could do tulips better, bolder, earlier and most importantly consciously in your environment then The Tulip Workshop is fo you. Emily and Linda have a combined knowledge of tulips that starts with your soil and water, considers your available space and working methods and finishes with the most beautiful flowers that spring has to offer. They provide practical and detailed information that is easy to understand and follow. They remove boundaries by suggesting options and alternatives to their own ways of working. And they help you to choose the right varieties to boost your potential. Above all, Emily and Linda are passionate about your success and your ability to grow your business infinitely through this. I can’t recommend The Tulip Workshop more highly.”
Joanna Puza Raspberry Bouquet, Henniker, New Hampshire
“I’m a New England gal through and through. As much as I love digging in the dirt and growing beautiful things in the warmer months, winter is what I crave most. The harshness of the frigid temps and short, dark days feed my soul. What started as an idea to extend my growing season has turned into a passion project. Truly, this has become the beat of my heart and soul. How lucky am I to offer such beautiful locally grown, clean flowers when people need a little extra loveliness in their lives. Growing tulips in the winter combines my passion for the deep freeze and flower simultaneously.”
Rijk Gupta, Herb Farmacy, Salisbury, MA
‘I took part in the tulip forcing workshop with Emily and Linda and I couldn't be happier with the knowledge I gained. Both Linda and Emily are great teachers that really love what they do. The class was incredibly informative and covered all aspects of tulip growing. We have already started forcing a batch of tulips for our first early spring cut flower CSA and I know that both Linda and Emily will be available to answer any questions or if we need their support. I am grateful to them both for getting me inspired by the beauty of tulips. The workshop was well worth the time and money invested and I would recommend it to anyone looking to expand their cut flower program.’
Cassie Plummer, Jig Bee Flower Farm, Philadelphia, PA
“The harvest process is so clean and easy and so much more enjoyable with forced tulips. I might even say leisurely compared to field grown tulips where everything is muddy and packed into 3 to 4 weeks. Plus, the forced tulips I’m sending to customers are a much better quality because they are harvested within 24 hours of delivery. The other thing that has surprised me is that I had to change the timing of harvest. I wait until they are more more colored up and full. With an indoor set up the temps are consistent every day and I don’t ever worry about a sunny day blowing open all the tulips. I’m so grateful for your mentorship - such a wealth of experience and information!”
Tania Cubberly, Skyfall Flowers, Grayslake, Illinois
"I am not shy to say that I’m pretty picky when it comes to attending workshops. I look for people that have a true focus on growing flowers for a living and am fond of learning especially from those that focus on a certain variety or growing technique. So when I found Emily on Instagram I was surely taken in by her knowledge in growing tulips. Emily is very passionate in growing tulips and it shows in her style of teaching. Attention to detail comes natural. Plus her workshop setting on her farm was truly beautiful!! I also love workshops that are a “hands on” approach to teaching, so when Emily had us actually doing every step in her planting technique I was ready to get my hands dirty! If you’re looking for a step above in growing tulips, you’ll find it taking her forcing class. Emily shared her years of experience in forcing and I was able to take this information home and put it to work. I took her class in October and by February I had my first forcing tulips come into bloom. How awesome is that!!!? I came away from the workshop with a new approach to adding weeks of blooms for sale, confidence in hitting goals for future sales such as Valentine’s Day and a means to take my business to an even higher level of success."
Mara Tyler, The Farm at Oxford, Chester County, Pennsylvania
I heard about Emily and Linda's class from a local farmer friend who was successfully growing thousands of tulips in her basement over winter. My customers clamor for flowers in winter but I only buy domestic flowers when we do not have our own stems -which makes it a struggle especially with the last few years supply chain issues. At the time, the classes were only in person, so I was thrilled when they opened it up virtually and immediately signed up. There is nothing like getting true expertise from ladies who went through years of trial and error, modified and perfected it, and then share the recipe with you on how to do it effectively. Linda and Emily share all of this information with you in The Tulip workshop. I'm a data person with a lot of questions, so I enjoyed getting down to the nitty gritty of what varieties worked best, who to order from, what temps to keep things at in different stages. What lights to use. What pitfalls to avoid. Even down on how to effectively label crates so rodents don't eat the tags! Been there, done that! I came away with pages and pages of notes, and really appreciate being able to have the follow up with them directly when I have a question. Having all of that information freely available takes the guesswork out, and makes something that seems a bit daunting to approach feel much more achievable. I'm now in my first winter trials, trying to hit Valentine's Day with my own flowers, fingers crossed! Thanks ladies for the confidence boost.
Robin Holland, Goode Farm, Ballston Spa, New York
“I am so grateful for your clear and kind instruction back in 2019! Your on-going support and cheerleading have been so helpful. Part of what has made the experience of learning from you is that you are looking for ways to help us adapt our own unique climate/infrastructure/market to your successful model, and haven't guaranteed our success on mimicking your own set up and situation. This is evidence of someone who is an expert at her craft. While sharing what works for us with other growers is a generous act, you are providing something more than that. By extending my flower offerings last year with an earlier season than ever before, I was not only able to make more money and keep relevant in the marketplace, but I was able to cheer up hundreds of people during the scary first days of the pandemic."
Tracey Pavan, Swell Farm Flowers, Rockland, Maine
“Forcing tulips has proven to be a great way to utilize the resources we already have in order to extend our growing season. Here in the cold northeast, our community can’t wait for fresh, locally grown flowers! So the earlier we can offer them, the better! The tulip forcing workshop begins with a very detailed, informative, and FUN day on the farm. It is a farmer led, hands on, and captivating day - plus lunch is delicious. Then the mentor relationship begins, and Emily is responsive, helpful and a creative problem solver. I learned everything I needed in order to successfully force a few thousand tulips the winter I took Emily’s workshop. They were happy, healthy, disease and pest free, and they sold out immediately. Here in the cold North East, being able to have tulips in March kicked off our season with a bang! And all of them were grown easily in our basement. I am thrilled that I decided to take this workshop in 2019, and I feel very grateful to have established a relationship with Emily, and the other growers that attended the workshop. 10/10 would recommend to other growers looking to extend their season!”
Gina Schley, SHEGROWS, Arvada, Colorado
“I flew from Colorado to learn how to force tulips with the goal of learning to provide year round local flowers to the Denver market. And this year, we are thrilled to be closer to that goal than ever before. We cut our first tulips on 1/15/21 and are gearing up to fill Valentine’s Day with more local and sustainably grown blooms than ever before. Forcing tulips is definitely part art & part science so having a mentor has been key to our success.”
Brenda Visser, Flowers of the Field Ontario, Augusta Township, Ontario, Canada
I have always loved tulips, and I am so excited to bring fresh flowers to my community in the dead of winter (and beyond). There are only a few small commercial growers in our region and the potential is huge. I increase what I grow every year, and almost every stem sells.” (Brenda was awarded 2020 New Business of the Year in her township.)
Vicki Huth, Vic's Blankets & Blooms, Suffield, Ohio
“Growing winter tulips brings so much color and joy to the winter months. Last year, is officially when my honor system farm flower stand opened. That is something I’ve been wanting to do for years. My goal is to have tulips earlier next year. I noticed the colder the weather and the more snow and rain we got, the more people stopped to pick up a bouquet.”
Karyn Kloter, Frog Hollow Flower Farm, Ellington, Connecticut
“Growing tulips opened the door to a whole new customer base that I didn’t realize I was missing. I was overwhelmed by the demand! The next more if is to grow more and earlier.”
Andrea Durst, Bloom Flower Farm, Medical Lake, Washington.
“It’s an incredible gift to share these early blooms, so full of color and life, in the middle of our long northeast winters. It’s just magical.”
Michelle Shackelford, Leelanau Specialty Cut Flowers, Cedar, Michigan
"Forcing tulips has allowed me to sell flowers many months earlier which greatly increases my revenue. And I get to enjoy flowers longer too!"
Doreen Thomas, Violet and Mae Flower Farm, Lachine, Michigan
“Forcing tulips in the middle of the gloomiest months is beyond words. It gives you hope and a sense of ‘we’ve got this’. It’s like seeing a beautiful rainbow after a downpour.”
Liz Krieg, Maple Flower Farm, Bethel, Vermont
“Tulip bulbs come fully packed with life force and explode into extraordinary beauty. Late winter is a completely joyous time filled with spring promise.”
Merry Kujovsky, Peculiar Posies, South Londonderry, Vermont
“Winter forcing: has been a goal of mine for quite awhile, the course gave me the courage and knowledge I needed to finally feel comfortable investing in everything I needed. Being able to supply Vermont grown flowers to flower lovers weeks before they can find them emerging in their own gardens is awesome. A wonderful way to spread a little happiness.”