We want to help your business grow.
Stay tuned for announcements about the opening of 2025 scholarship program.
The Tulip Workshop
Scholarship Program
As former career teachers with an insatiable interest in learning and sharing information, we are passionate about education. We believe that education is the single most important investment you can make in yourself and in your business. We also know that the overhead expenses of courses like ours can be more than some growers can manage. The Tulip Workshop Scholarship Program is our way of recognizing that need and sending some extra love back out to the world. Please be sure to join our newsletter list for information regarding future scholarship opportunities. We have shared over 30 full scholarship with growers around the world
-Emily & Linda
We are happy to accept scholarship applications from anyone* who has a passion for growing flowers, a strong work ethic, a determination to build upon their flower farming dreams, and a desire to share beauty with their community. These opportunities are intended to serve growers who otherwise may not be able to afford the course.
*Family, friends, and current/past employees of The Tulip Workshop, Little Farmhouse Flowers, and von trapp Flowers are ineligible for scholarships. Scholarships can not be applied retroactively to current or past members of the The Tulip Workshop tulip forcing programs (online or in person).
Apply for a scholarship right here through our website with the form on this page that will be available during the submission period. Click the submit button when you are finished. A thank you note will appear in place of the form.
The 2024 application process will be open from May 25 to June 8, 2024.
Recipient(s) will be contacted by June 30 by email.
If you are not selected for a scholarship during this period, we anticipate that there WILL be future opportunities. It is our hope to share and give back as much as possible. To date, dozens of growers have been awarded Tulip Workshop scholarships.
At this time, our online courses are open for registration year round, allowing growers to invest at the time of yea most convenient to them.
We will be considering applications for 6 full scholarship opportunities to The Tulip Workshop (online course). Applications can be submitted from this web page between May 25, 2024 and June 8, 2024.