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Make Time for Tulips
Several challenging growing and harvest seasons have wreaked havoc on the flower bulb industry. It will take some time to recover. But the news isn’t all grim. The value of tulips is about to go up!
Tidbits of Tulip history- origin of a name
What’s in a name? Learn the origins of tulips and where their name came from in this sweet post about the history of our favorite flower.
On the Closure of Sun Valley Floral Farms
Have you heard? Sun Valley Floral Farms has announced massive lay-offs in significant blow to the American grown flowers movement.
State of The Lily Industry
What’s trending in lily breeding? Not the characteristics you might be hoping for.
lilies & Daylilies- What’s the difference?
A brief explanation of the difference between true lilies and day lilies. Some interesting facts about daylilies (Hemerocallis).